Deer Lodge Landfill

The following rules apply to landfill users:

  1. All loads must be covered or secured to prevent any discarded items from escaping from the transport vehicle. Vehicles arriving at the Deer Lodge Landfill with an unsecured load will be charged an additional $100.00 processing fee added to the waste disposal charge for each subsequent offense.
  2. All loose garbage must be bagged.
  3. Separate the types of garbage: painted or stained wood, other wood, metals, household waste, tires, etc.
  4. A vehicle entering the landfill site must stop at the landfill office for directions and load inspections.
  5. Dump all materials on or at the pre-designated sites.
  6. Children must be confined to the transport vehicle.
  7. No asbestos or hazardous containing materials are accepted at the Landfill.

We ask that good judgment and common sense be used by all persons who wish to utilize the Landfill services.

** You may purchase punch cards to use at the dump with the County Clerk and Recorder; however, it is preferable that the dump writes tickets for you to pay with the Clerk and Recorder following your visit. Tickets unpaid by the end of the month will sent an invoice. The Clerk and Recorder office only sells the tickets for the Landfill.  They do not make, interpret or enforce any of the rules. **

Questions concerning the landfill should be directed toward the Board of Directors, which holds meetings on the first Tuesday of every month, excluding January and July, at 5 p.m. in the Powell County Courthouse conference room.