

The Montana Supreme Court determined that the Department of Revenue has the authority to direct counties to levy above the current mill levy calculation limitation each year if reserved mills are determined to be available.  The Department has verified that the school equalization mills—under the statutory limitations that adjust mills down when taxable values increase—are reduced from 95 mills to 77.9 mills for this tax year. However, the Department of Revenue, under the direction of the Governor’s Budget Office is directing the County to levy extra mills they hold in reserve to generate additional revenue from property taxpayers in Montana.

The Supreme Court ordered counties to comply, therefore your second half taxes will necessarily be increased to comply with the request from the Department of Revenue and the Order from the Montana Supreme Court.  This represents an additional 17.1 mills broken down as follows: 7.1 mills for State Equalization Aid, 6.0 mills for County Elementary Equalization, and 4.0 mills for High School Equalization.

Powell County Treasurer’s office hopes to have the new billing in the mail sometime in March 2024.

Please remember that the local county employees and Department of Revenue employees did not play a role in this decision and the work they do is centered on complying with laws passed by the Legislature.

Department of Revenue – 406-444-6900

Powell County taxes are available to view and pay on-line here using the iTax website.

You can also pay your taxes on-line using the GovTeller link here.

You MUST know your parcel number and the amount of your taxes when using the Gov Teller link. Make sure your parcel number is correct as no refunds will be issued.  Before you make payment, please make sure your mortgage company, Title Company or financial institution is not making payment on your behalf!

If your taxes are delinquent, you may obtain a payoff using the online itax site.

NOTE: If you pay delinquent taxes on-line without including penalty and interest, the payment will be held in a clearing account until the appropriate penalty and interest is paid. Interest will continue to accrue daily and your taxes will still be delinquent.

If your taxes are delinquent you MUST call the Powell County Treasurer’s Office at (406) 846-9797 prior to making payment!

Montana Department of Revenue Forms are available here

409 Missouri Ave., Suite 204
Deer Lodge, MT 59722